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Beginner's Animal Communication Course
Beginner’s Animal Communication Course - Introduction
Introduction to Dr. Monica
What Lessons 1, 2, and 3 are all about
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 1 - by Dr.Monica Diedrich
What does an Animal Communicator do?
Telepathic Communication/Picture Telepathy
Sending pictures to an animal
How pets tell time
What you may see and translate from a pet’s pictures you receive
Feelings you can receive and translate from a pet's picture
Sometimes pictures tell a story for you to translate
More about translating a pet's picures
Practice Exercise - Video of Isabel - What do you SEE? (0:09)
Practice Exercise - Video of Dr. Monica's pet, Chopy - What do you SEE? (0:37)
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 2 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
How different people, see, hear, and feel Information
Information can be very subtle
Same picture, different angle
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 3 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
How communication can help you understand your pet better
Some questions to ask during a telepathic conversation with a pet
When you might need the help of a professional Animal Communicator
Practice Exercise - Sending love to your animal
Recap of Lessons 1, 2, and 3
Beginner’s Animal Communication Course – Lesson 4 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Introduction to Lesson 4
Three points you need to know about animals
The first point: What your animals “see”
Exercise 1 - Having your pet see what you're thinking!
The second point: What your animals "hear"
Exercise 2 - Having your pet “hear” your energy
The Third Point:: What your animals “feel”
Exercise 3 - Do your pet’s feelings reflect what you’re feeling
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 5 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Are you intuitive?
10 important things to remember
Recap of Lesson 5
Beginner’s Animal Communication Course – Lesson 6 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Introduction to Lesson 6
The importance of breathing
Abdominal breathing
Breath Counting Meditation
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 7 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Introduction to Lesson 7
Busy minds
About Meditation
Preparation and posture for meditation:
Quieting your mind
Reviewing the steps before you begin
Meditation exercise
Guided meditation
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 8 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Introduction to Lesson 8
What's the difference between being sympathetic, empathetic, or empathic?
Could you be an empath?
You are NOT Crazy
Practicing detachment:
Turning your empathic gift ON
Turning your empathic gift OFF! Part 1
Turning your empathic gift OFF! Part 2
Some things an empath may feel when communicating with an animal
Exercise - Experiencing your pet's feelings
Recap of Lesson 8
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 9 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
How long will it take me to learn to communicate with animals?
Should I start with my own pet or a pet I don't know?
Should I work with animals in person or through photographs?
Do I need spiritual protection?
Beginner's Animal Communication Course - Lesson 10 by Dr. Monica Diedrich
Don't project your own feelings onto animals
Not projecting and not assuming (continued)
Trying too hard
Trusting yourself and other things to remember
Exercise - Become the animal
Exercise - Talk with Tara and receive validations from me
Recap of the Beginner's Course
Conclusion and introduction to the Intermediate Course
Introduction to Lesson 7
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